Area Code 870
(327 and 870)
Area Code 870 History:
Area code 870 was officially put into service. Area code 870 was created from a split of area code 501.
Area code 327 was put into service as an all services overlay of area code 870 on February 20, 2024. Ten digit dialing is required in area codes 870 and 327 effective January 19, 2024.
Ten digit dialing (area code + seven digit number) is necessary in the 870/327 overlay because two different homes in the same geographic area can have the same seven digit phone number but each would have a different area code.
Counties in Arkansas within area code 870 include:
Arkansas County, Ashley County, Baxter County, Boone County, Bradley County, Calhoun County, Carroll County, Chicot County, Clark County, Clay County, Cleburne County, Cleveland County, Columbia County, Craighead County, Crittenden County, Cross County, Dallas County, Desha County, Drew County, Fulton County, Grant County, Greene County, Hempstead County, Howard County, Independence County, Izard County, Jackson County, Jefferson County, Lafayette County, Lawrence County, Lee County, Lincoln County, Little River County, Lonoke County, Marion County, Miller County, Mississippi County, Monroe County, Montgomery County, Nevada County, Newton County, Ouachita County, Phillips County, Pike County, Poinsett County, Polk County, Pope County, Prairie County, Randolph County, Saint Francis County, Searcy County, Sevier County, Sharp County, Stone County, Union County, and Woodruff County.
Major cities or places in Arkansas within area code 870 include:
Area codes 870/327 serve a large geographic area of Arkansas including the eastern, southern sections of the state and a portion of northern Arkansas, including the larger cities and communities of El Dorado, Jonesboro, Mountain Home, Paragould, Pine Bluff, Texarkana, and West Memphis in addition to many smaller communities within the service area.