Area Code 748
303 and 720 and 983
Area Code 748 History:
The Colorado Public Utilities Commission has announced that as of 2026 new phone numbers issued to residents in western and northern Colorado will be assigned area code 748. The earliest in service date is 07/07/2025. Customers with existing phones in the 970 area code will be able to keep their existing phone number and area code.
Counties in Colorado within area code 748 will include:
Archuleta County, Delta County, Dolores County, Eagle County, Garfield County, Grand County, Gunnison County, Hinsdale County, Jackson County, Kit Carson County, La Plata County, Larimer County, Logan County, Mesa County, Moffat County, Montezuma County, Montrose County, Morgan County, Ouray County, Phillips County, Pitkin County, Rio Blanco County, Routt County, Saguache County, San Juan County, San Miguel County, Sedgwick County, Summit County, Washington County, Weld County, and Yuma County.